More of the Story

After sending the "sneak-peeks", Mauree sent the following. You will need to refer to their web site to view the prints.

Dear Don,

 I thought that along with the sneak-peaks, that perhaps you would be interested in the stories behind some of the prints. 

Several of Jean's drawings are of  her own children with Jesus - they were originally not done to market - they were just for her and her family.  Her children are pictured in, Playful Boys, Laughing Baby, and Teach me to Walk. The print, Christ's Embrace, is of a 16 year-old girl named Sarah.  Jean did this drawing for Sarah's struggling family, after Sarah was killed in a car accident.  A minister in Sarah's family's church said that he felt prompted to tell them, "If you think Sarah had a great impact on peoples lives when she lived on this earth, just sit back and watch - you haven't seen anything yet".  Sarah's picture has been very successful in giving peace and comfort to many.  Five Little Angels, my favorite, are drawings of the five little girls, (four of the five were from the same family), that  died in the trunk of a car in West Valley City, Utah in 1998.   I am sure you can imagine the impact these drawings, of Christ welcoming these young ones home,  had on their families.  Both the five little girl's & Sarah's families gave their consent and blessing to have these prints marketed.

Contact Information

To obtain these prints, go to
Contact them by email for pricing.

Keaton Prints

A friend directed my attention to the beautiful pencil sketches of Jean Keaton. They are spiritually uplifting and I wish to share them with everyone. These pages are intended to introduce you to this wonderful person and her work.

Grandpa Don

Graphic used with permission.
© Jean Keaton

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