The World of Grandpa Don


We always want more! 

No matter what we have, or how good we have it, we look for more. We want more money to buy more things or to have salted away in case we need it for the future. The restaurants advertise large servings of richer foods. The auto manufacturers tempt us with faster, more powerful cars that can drive through swamps, plow through snow drifts and climb mountains. (When did you need to do that?) The drug manufacturers push products that claim to make you look better, feel better, and have better sex and more often. (Don't get me started on that subject!) The object of most advertising is to make us discontent. 

This morning, as is my practice, I read the meditation for the day in Max Lucado's "Grace For The Moment". It concluded with a definition:

Content. A state of heart in which you would be a peace if God gave you nothing more than you already have.

Some would say that that is a definition of the lack of ambition. I disagree. We can strive to better ourselves without it becoming an obsession. When we are obsessed with "getting more" we are in a state of discontent to the point of being miserable. How can we enjoy what we have if we are too busy trying to go beyond it. 

So, the secrete is to be content with what we have or who we are. When we count our blessings and are thankful for them we can take joy in them.  

Another part of the secrete is that when we are content with ourselves, we have room to think of others. There is room in our hearts for kindness and love. We find ourselves being more considerate and more willing to share our good fortune and ourselves. And, the magic of this is in the reinforcement of our own contentment.

In April, 2002, I wrote "A Feeling of Well Being and Contentment". I continue to have that feeling and pray it is never lost. The insight provided by Max Lucado helps define the feeling and reinforces it. This is worth repeating and remembering.

Content ...
A state of heart in which you would be a peace if God gave you nothing more than you already have.


"I have learned to be satisfied
with the things I have
with everything that happens."

Philippians 4:11


Don Plefka
Thanksgiving 2003


Thoughts About ...
Our Relationship with Ourselves


The World of Grandpa Don 

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