The World of Grandpa Don

The Circle of Giving

It was a little difficult for me to be nice to strangers at the start. After all, I probably would never see that person again and even if I did, they wouldn't remember me so why be nice? Then I heard this story:

John was traveling in the Outback of Australia when his car broke down. He tried in vain to get it started and it was getting dark. Along came Jim who offered to help if he could. After checking for the obvious problems they gave up and drove to the Jim's home where they contacted an auto mechanic in town. He would not be able to get there until the next morning.

Jim's wife, Sarah, set a place for John for dinner. Jim  and Sarah along with their two children made John feel like part of the family. John had a good sleep and the next morning after a hardy breakfast Jim drove him out to meet the mechanic.

The car needed to be towed into the shop and when they were ready to go, John offered to pay Jim for his trouble. Jim's response was "Thanks but there is nothing that I need at this time that you can provide. But, you can join the Circle of Giving. The next time you find someone that needs something that you can give, offer it to him. It may be money for a meal or he may need a coat. It may just be a word of comfort or encouragement. But whatever it is, if he wants to repay you, tell him he can repay by joining the Circle of Giving."




Be More Kind than You Need to Be ...

You are invited to perform acts of kindness whenever the opportunity presents itself. Help to make this world a better place. Some examples are recorded on this page. I will add to them as they are brought to mind


The Circle of Giving

The World of Grandpa Don 

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